madurar en la tierra de las 18 mariposas
With its 94 hectares, Altos de Torona is the largest single vineyard in the region.
Its area and our philosophy of sustainable development in all processes, has favoured the proliferation of extraordinary biological wealth, an object of desire for zoologists and botanists, in which a diversity of species participate, in their own way, in the final character of our wines.
This area is a habitat for 91 species of plants and 71 of animals, which are also ingredients in the process that enriches the grapevine from its roots, displaying health and integration in Nature.

Every morning, the vineyard is covered with eighteen species of butterflies, a testimony to the biodiversity of our mountain.
A disorderly army of birds, reptiles and small mammals find refuge every day in Mount Galeno, decorated every morning by eighteen species of butterflies that are a genuine thermometer of Biodiversity. This is what we call Wine Diversity, a vineyard in which Albariño grapes are predominant, but they are also accompanied by other local varieties that make us lovers of oenology: Caíño, Godello, Loureira, Treixadura, Sousón and Brancellao.
Pine processionary
Pyronia bathseba
Painted lady
Scarce swallowtail
Old world swallowtail

Hummingbird hawk-moth
Yellow butterfly
Cabbage butterfly
Pandora, Procesionaria del pino, Lobito listado, Cardera, Chupa leche, Macaón, Geometridae, Crambidae, Esfinge colibrí, Pontia, Amarilla, Mariposa de la col
Entre las hileras de cepas del viñedo Altos de Torona llevamos a cabo una viticultura sostenible, siguiendo el sistema de Producción Integrada para gestionar de forma respetuosa los recursos naturales que nos regala nuestro entorno.
Este mismo cuidado ha propiciado que el viñedo se convierta en el hábitat natural de más de 160 especies de fauna y flora que han ayudado a crear un paisaje de biodiversidad único, que favorece el territorio y a nuestros vinos, porque cuando cuidas de la tierra, mejor vino se consigue.